War we don't want

Last night I watched a documentary about the war against Taliban in SWAT valley of Pakistan. And late night I got a chance to watch another movie DIVIDED WE FALL, similar to the previous one but made on quite different circumstances of World War II. Both were about war so no doubt there was brutality embodied inside those stories. Corpse lying everywhere, people in tears mourning in the loss of their relatives, houses, school and hospital torn down into ashes and nevertheless, humanity vanquish by cruelty. These horror scenes were just a part of the horrific world where 70% of total population survives because of war. It seems a little bit awful to say such a thing but it true. Our 70% of the population depends on the money that comes from arms business. 42 million are displaced and living in camps, 163 are dying everyday in Iraq and don’t know how many in Sudan, Middle East, Pakistan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Zimbabwe and more. People dying in civil wars of Africa, Asia and South America are keeping us alive. If they don’t we have to.

But here in Nepal we have already lost 16000 lives and millions of property in last decade and we still are not out of it. And everyday we fear war. News channel are broadcasting nonsense saying of our insane leaders. If not this we will go to war, this is time to do next revolution, and our democracy is in trap and many more. This is nothing more than a maniacal expression. The political interest vested deep inside them is causing these problems in Nepal. I don’t think a single leader understand this. They don’t care what people will have to go through. Just fulfill your interest by any means. Or it might be because they care about us, known about the above mention facts they are trying to contribute for saving 70% of the world population. This might be ok risking life of minority for the sake of majority. But unfortunately this is not going to work.

Recently we have seen an example of the monstrous deed in Kathmandu, 18 years old girl kidnapped, cut into pieces and murdered. In Terai news are coming everyday that people are burnt alive, vehicle are ambushed and government offices are blown by bombs. In districts dozen of people are injured in clashes between different political groups. Casualties in road accident are normal. Sometime we hardly work one day in a week because of a strike. And we still say we are not in war. We are losing dozen of life everyday; children are kidnapped now and again; property worth million is lost because of all these pointless strikes. What more do we want, isn’t this enough? Don’t measure your gain with the pile of the corpse because an individual life is not a joke, it worth more than that. We all know what the consequences of war are like. We have seen many relentless wars in human history and it is true many of them were fought because of the personal interest of the leaders. And we don’t want history to repeat at least in Nepal.

We don’t want Nepal to be something like SWAT valley or a Darfur. We don’t want cruelty, violence and destruction in Nepalese soil. What we want is peace, prosperity and harmony among people. What we want is a beginning. A beginning that will lead us to the new era. A beginning that will bring the change we are talking about. We should all remember that DIVIDED WE FALL UNITED WE WIN.
(photo courtesy: punjabpartition.com and ndtv.com)

के छ दुताबासहरुमा?

उहिले शासकहरु
लमतन्न लम्पसार परेर
झोलि फिँजाऊदै दुताबासहरुमा
सत्ता टिकाउन चाकरी गर्दा
विद्रोही भन्ने गर्थे
यो त गुलामी भो
फेरि ढोका चाहार्र्दै दुताबासहरुका
देश चलाउने भेटि माग्दा
विद्रोही भन्ने गर्थे
यो त सरासर गलत भो
देश हाम्रो विदेशीको निगाहा भो

आहिले नयाँ परिद्रिश्यमा
विद्रोही मालिक बन्दा
चिल्ला गाडिमा सबारी हुन्छन् दुतावासहरुमा
आनि नयाँ शासक घुँडा टेक्दै
शिर झुकाउछन् सत्ता टिकाउन
गिडगिडाऊँदै भेटी थाप्छन् दुताबासहरुमा
बिचरा जनता बुझ्नै सक्तैनन्
आखिर के छ दुताबासहरुमा
-रमेश पौडेल

We were great and we can be


Today I went through several groups in facebook because I was thinking which are the most popular groups among Nepali? And to my surprise most of them were anti Indian like Gautam Buddha was born in Nepal not in India, Extortions of our land by India lets fight for it and many more similar groups. There are tens of group formed on the same spirit where thousands of Nepali are member. The comments posted on these groups’s wall were full of gall words against India. That was something serious to think about. Using all these violent and rough words against our neighbor and illustrating her as prime mover of our problem will do no good to us. Blaming other for our awful condition has become something like custom to we Nepali. As people say “looser always ask for excuses and this is no more than an excuse.

It is the trend of the world that strong will always shake off the weak one. Let’s pay attention to our history where we were once like the Great Himalayan Empire. From Tista River in the east to the Kangada Fort in the west was our boundary which was almost double to that of the present. We were the one who fought gallantly against British Empire and save our land. India was ruled by outlander for almost two century but we initiated the alliance against British in Asia under our provident leadership. Once upon a time our enemy used to break out in a sweat hearing our name. During our unification campaign many small Indian state were wiped off the map and I am sure that at that time those people also used to think the same as we do now. We occupied them because we were strong and maybe India is trying the same as they think they are strong now.

See we were the top dog. We did everything to annihilate them and we felt we did well. So we have to be strong and no one can do anything to us. We were great and we can be. Scolding others won’t save us nor will we be able to defeat them. But this doesn’t mean that we have to protect our homeland like our ancestor did, fighting and conquering others. The world is changed and so does the frontier of the war. Today strong are not those who have millions of army and ammunitions but strong are those who have strong economy, strong market, advance technology and moral citizen. I think we have the resources to achieve this. We can build our country to be the one like India if we do this then there is no need to use those greedy words. Be a decent neighbor and you’ll get respect. And be a noble citizen and we can be the Great again.

Talk Less.....Act More


It was very nice to listen everybody talk about environment, climate and earth, organizing big seminar, discussion, rally and many more. Seeing all this I thought “Owa! Everybody changed, thanks god now its time to see our home out of danger.” But today everything is gone. Nobody care what’s going on? Our home is falling off every second. We knowingly or unknowingly shouldering for the ravaging of the nature. No body is willing to think about the impact on the environment because of their deed. Countries like US and China always talk nice about climate change but they never operate on it. Because of so called first world country and their industrialization third world is suffering a lot. Here in third world we are deprive of many facility of modern world and now we are deprive of good environment also. In Nepal due to climate change our only property, water and its source the Himalayas has been cast down a lot in the last decade and in coming few we may see no snow in our mountain and what about our rivers? What about our dream of exporting electricity?

From this very moment we have to do something, something that will save our home, save our planet. Change starts from individual, from our own doorsteps so don’t seek others to change. It’s you who can change. The only you can do about others is hope, hope them to change. If you change yourself and one day the whole world will change because this world is full of the one like you. I don’t know how you all feel but for me if I can do any of the following things daily then I think I’m changed.

# Don’t let tap run while shaving, brushing teeth and washing face
# Use towel instead of tissue paper for drying your face
# Don’t forget to switch off lights when going out
# Use both side to print a document
# Instead of buying books borrow it from library
# Always go out with bag so that you can so no to plastic whenever you shop
#Use public transport instead of private car and bike. If not possible look for the fuel efficient vehicle
# If your are one of the many unlucky fellow who spend their morning stuck in jam then turn off your engine
# Match the size of cooking pan to the size of heating element
# And don’t forget to plant the tree in your garden

Above point may seem a little bit meaner but always remember that “the easier the better is the society”. Consider the planet as your home and take its care like your own. Always remember that what you do to keep the Environment clean, you are doing for your children's good health. And I’m sure you all love your children. We can all do our part to protect the planet by using less and acting more. So talk less and act more.

If Not There Will Be No Nepal My Friends


Today my friend Sandeep came to me and asked to listen a song “Save Us” by Colonial Cousin. When I was listening the song many gruesome incidents were running through my mind. Kapilvastu riot after the murder of Mohit Khan, Hindu Muslim riot of India and many ethnic riots in Africa are some of the outrageous example of the religious war. I don’t know if there are more links between all these incidents and the song but it is sure that Colonial Cousin is referring to refrain away from them. As the song say:

“Religion is the reason;

the world is breaking now into pieces.

Color of the people, Keeps us locked in hate,

please release us”

And I am also in unison with the theme of the song. No matter what name you call Jesus, Allah, Rama or Buddha? It’s all the same. It is true that we all believe in the divine power which is above all of us. We named it what is convenient for us. Some say Jesus, some Allah, some Ram and some Buddha. But we should understand that there is nothing in name. It is the belief that matters here. We all have some discipline which we are practicing for ages in the name of that divine power and we want others to respect it. This is what religious tolerance is all about – how much we put up with others’ beliefs and how much we try to understand them.

But writing all this about religious tolerance I should not miss one fact about the ethnic delusion which is slowly sprouting in Nepal. We Nepali are living in peace and harmony for many years irrespective of our religion and cast. We called ourselves चार जात छत्तिस वर्णको साझा फुलबारी। and we do believe in it now also. But in the name of change and restructuring of the country we are being poisoned against each other. The mutual respect is dying and hatred is circulating rapidly between us. There are many ways to manipulate our endeavor of making new Nepal. There are many way to get equal right and respect and protect our culture. But this feeling of discourtesy is leading us to nothing except destruction. We have seen this kind of creepy omen in the Valley Banda by Newars last Sunday and in many more strike in the eastern Nepal and Terai organized by many ethnic groups. If we don’t understand it now and continue this for some more in coming days then we should be ready to see ourselves in the complete ruin. We should show respect to others and try to understand them. If not the war is here. If not there will be no Nepal my friend.

........................................ (see song save us in the sidebar)