Living Your Dream

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I had heard too much about Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist so I bought it and finished it in one stands. That was few years back when I started exploring foreign literature. My love for foreign literature was marked by the overwhelming love for Tolstoy’s War and Peace and Gorki’s Mother. Thanks to my family background for inspiring me in Russian Literature. As I went through the Alchemist, frankly saying it didn’t swept me like Tolstoy and Gorki but one thing I certainly learnt i.e. Living Your Dream. Ever since then I’m trying to know what my dream is. And the answer; I was still searching until today. But the status shared by friend gave me my answer. It was about Bryan Adams taking million dollars from Nepal and the charity concert for the fund raising of Kumar Kancha collecting just 34 thousands rupees. And the answer I got was ‘My dream is to be me’.

I came to watch a youtube video posted by my brother. It was the interview of Nepali Fashion Designer Mr. Prabal Gurung in CNN. He told ‘Competition you feel it … in term you are not living in a vacuum so I’m trying to compete to myself to bring very best out of me’ when asked about how he feels about the competition. And he helped me to conclude to my answer. Also today I came to read this blog in and the part of it inspired me a lot. I think it taught me why I should be me? So I would like to quote that part here:

तिमीलाई मेरो अनुरोध छकृपया एकैछिन उभिएर आफैंभित्र हेर। यो पद, यो पैसा, यो जागिर, यो भिसा, यो हतार। त्यसपछि अर्को पद, अरू पैसा, अर्को जागिर, अर्को भिसा, उही हतार। पद, पैसा, प्रतिष्ठा र व्यस्तताले तिमीलाई कति खालि बनाएको छ? एकैछिन रोकिएर आफ्नै सास हेरत्यसमा कुनै हार्दिकता, कुनै शान्ति वा कुनै विश्राम छ?गाउँबाट आयौ, काठमान्डुमा घर बनायौ। अब अमेरिका जाँदैछौ। त्यसपछि? के चन्द्रमा जान टिकट खुलिसकेको छ? म आफू बाँचेको प्रकृतिमा प्रेम महसुस गर्छु। काठमान्डुका सडकलाई प्रेम गर्छु। कृपया खाल्टैखाल्टा सडकमा बिस्तारै मोटर कुदाऊ।रत्नपार्कका भत्किएका बारहरू। भृकुटीमण्डपछेउ थुपारिएको फोहोर। वायुसेवा निगम कार्यालयअघि पिच्चपिच्च थुकका टाटाहरू। सभागृहमा चुँडिएका फूल।सुन्धाराबाट त्रिपुरेश्वर जाने सडकको देब्रे पेटीमा सैनिक क्लबछेवैको प्रतीक्षालयमा लडिरहेको युवक। गौशालामा खुट्टाभरि घाउ भएका र पुरानो मैलो सर्ट लगाएका घसि्रँदै गरेका वृद्ध। न्युरोडमा मैलो अनुहार र त्योभन्दा धेरै मैलो हाफप्यान्ट लगाएर मागिरहेको बालक। काठमान्डुमा प्रेमातुर पात्र र ठाउँहरूको कुनै कमी छ? काठमान्डुमा प्रेमका लागि कुनै स्पेस अभाव छ?काठमान्डुको गरिबी, दुःख, फोहोरमैला सबै हाम्रै अप्रेमको कारण होइन?

After all these years being the active member of social networking, time and often I used to regret being addicted to it. But today I really loved it. Because a reply in the link about Kumar Kancha that I shared really helped me to draw my conclusion. It was from my friend Kshitz Pandey.He quoted ‘The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at.’ and that was enough for me to differentiate me from Santiago in The Alchemist. Why should I travel all the way from Spain crossing the deadly Sahara Desert to Egypt to live my dreams? Unlike Santiago I can be just me, I need no Alchemy. And when all these thought were skimming in my minds I remember my teacher from school who used to tell us ‘at least learn a thing every day and you will be a successful man’ and today I learnt a thing ‘Living My Dream’ and in return I don’t need to be successful man but I just want to be me.

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Amir Subedi 23 February, 2011

just clap and clap!

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