Nobel peace prize and bombing beyond the globe

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Two different news hits national and international media this weekend first one was the US President Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize and the second one was the NASA scientist bombing the surface of moon aiming for the possibility of water in its surface. The both news surprised the population around the globe. No matter how unrelated these incidents might seem to the public but the impact was same for me. Same in a sense they both lightened the flame of hope. The dream to transform the world of nuclear power and violence into the mutual society and the hope of finding the trace of life or water in moon surface are the greatest dream in the modern human society. And the news this weekend is something like a dream on its way to come true.

Once we go through the twitter, CNN, BBC, facebook or other media we can see thousands of comment posted every hours and the debate is ever growing on whether it is the right time to felicitate Obama with this prestigious award. Early stage of his tenure with so little been achieved, the decision might seem crazy too. There are people who say this award doesn’t mean for nice speeches, favoulous voice or the popularity of the person. This too seems okay. And I’m no one to judge these all. We all know Obama is a perfect human being. Apart from above queries I too have one. Can’t we felicitate a guy for bombing a hope around the globe? A hope for the limitless future.

Moon though was the object beyond the imagination, today human has achieved the unachievable. I never understood why people say sky is the limit but seeing all this I think my nerve is getting a little of it. It was human who defined the boundaries and limits and yet again it is the human who has undone the boundary kind of thing. Who says there is the limit? No there isn’t any. This is the hope the bombing beyond the globe gave to us. A hope for the limitless tomorrow. So I’m not gonna hesitate to say that the two news of the weekend were similar to me no matter how ridiculous I may sounds.

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Indian Gorkha News Desk 29 October, 2009


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